The story: You
noticed me glancing at them in a restaurant and being the clever woman you are
you gave me a sly smile and beckoned me to your table, although i was busy i
felt compelled to please you and was drawn to your table. After a bit of chit
chat about politics, economy and philosophy, you dropped something on the floor
and merely smiled and gestured towards the floor looking expectantly at me,
again I felt drawn to obey and immediately got down under the table to pick up
your item and thats when I froze for a second entranced by your boots being
that I had a slight boot/foot fetish.
My reverie is broken by the toe of your boot smashing right into my face and
then briefly stuffed into my open mouth. My muffled cry of pain and your soft
laugh are simultaneous, i scramble out from underneath the table and hand you
your item and sit down like nothing happened. At this point you openly laugh at
me and gently place your foot on my crotch and tell me not to pretend that
didnt just happen. You proceed to tell me that you know full well about my foot
fetish and how I crave to worship your feet. I deny it, you press harder on my
crotch and feel my now hard penis through my suit pants.
You smile wider, and press harder and insist that i admit to you out loud that
i want to be on my knees worshiping your feet. I feel defeated and trapped and
I repeat the dreadful words. You are not satisfied yet and continue on about
how you know that i really crave to be your slave, humiliated, beaten, and
mercilessly bossed around, you describe things that i have indeed secretly
fantasized about as well as things i have never heard of and are truly
horrifying and humiliating, yet I am drawn to the sound of your voice and my
intended rebuttal silenced by its sheer confident dominant power.
You insist loudly that i repeat and admit to things that you are saying. Not
wanting to draw further attention, and being somehow entranced by you and
feeling at tug in my heart (and in my testes) that is leaving me feeling
compelled to please you, and my brain screams NO, but out of my mouth come the
words that you desire. You laugh softly as my heart sinks and my balls ache.
"Good boy" you say. An inexplicable rush of pleasure courses through
me at the sound of your approval despite the fact that I am furious and just
want to make you go away.
You smile and talk on in the calmest of tones about how you now own me and i am
your pet and ill obey everything you say simply because of the power that you
hold over me in your foot. To demonstrate your power, you lean over and slap me
across the face and then lean back with a satisfied smirk. I try to say
something harsh to you but all that comes out is a hoarse whisper
"why?". You chuckle and say "because I wanted to and because you
foot boys are just soo easy" As if to enunciate your point you take your
foot from under the table and
point it towards me and point to it there is an unrecognizable piece of food
stuck to the sole of your boot, "clean it" you command. I gingerly
begin picking at the grime after removing the piece of food. "that will do
for now" you say laughingly.
I am someone who is usually full of things to say, comments, questions, answers,
long winded speeches but you seem to have rendered me incapable of coherent
speech. I sit there dumbly with the dirty smashed piece of food. You are
grinning from ear to ear and say sensuously "go ahead footboy, eat it. You
know you want to being that it was so close to my sexy feet. You know you are a
lowly piece of filth thats only deserves such food." I silently, and
shamefully put it in my mouth. You then tell me to thank you. I do. You laugh
and call for the check. I pay. We leave. I follow you out into the parking lot
with my head hung in submission.
My whole body language has changed from when I walked in, I stood proud, looked
busy, important, mildly irritated and self satisfied. Now, I look meek,
submissive, a bit miserable but oddly content. You tell me that I will drive
you in my car and so that is exactly what we do. Once on the road we engage in
somewhat normal discussion again, most you asking me personal questions and me
trying to answer them as casually as possible while trying to shift
conversation elsewhere. All else aside I genuinely do enjoy conversation with
you you are intelligent and witty and seem to find me the same. You take off
your boots and place your pantyhose covered legs and feet up on the dashboard,
filling the car with the warm, sour, but sensuous stench of your feet. You put
your boots on my lap as i drive intensifying the smell for me. I wrinkle my
nose slightly involuntarily. You laugh and say "You know you love it, be a
good doggy now smell deeply! breathe in the scent of my dominance!" I
breathe in deeply through my nose feeling agitated and irritated again but
absolutely intoxicated and humiliated by the smell. You decide to push further
"say you love it doggy". i muttered "i love it".
"what do you love?" you tease. I manage a moment of anger and
defiance and say "nothing!"
you swiftly swing your foot around kick me in the cheek and then place your big
toe on my upper lip directly under my nose with your sole resting on one side
of my mouth, cheek and chin. "Now, slave, tell me exactly what it is that
you love, how much you love it, and why you love it so much" you order
sternly. After a moments hesitation, I said in a quiet bashful voice "I
love the smell of your feet, I love it more than i love my mother, I love it
because it reminds me of my place in life and of your complete ownership of me,
I love it because every breath further ensnares me in your web. You laugh at me
and tell me i was born to do this. "Now kiss my foot in apology for
disrespecting them" I kiss your foot that is already partially on my mouth
and you continue to laugh at me.
After we arrived at your house, you had me kneel in the street to put your
boots back on. When we walked in you sat down and had me give you the first
foot massage which lasted for well over an hour, It included kissing and
sucking on your individual toes, licking out the lint from between your toes,
sucking on your heels and kissing all over. My fingers ached, and my tongue
ached and my knees ached but any hesitation was met with swift punishments and
admonishments, slaps in the face, kicks in the face or balls were frequent.
After all this, you made me take off my clothes and put them in the backyard,
your only explanation was "dogs dont wear clothes in the house"
Then you commanded me to crawl around on the floor in front of her naked with
my face pressed to ground and tongue out. you said it was in order to instill
in me my place in life and to truly recognize just how much control you have
over me and that just the wiggle of your toe and a sly order, i transformed
from dominant alpha male into your sniveling submissive wimp. As i whimpered in
pain from the terrible carpet burn and wounded ego, you smiled and said
"thats right doggy, suffer for me!"
"Now bark doggy!" I barked. You laughed. I almost cried.
The rest of the evening consisted of me doing various housework under your
orders while alternating between casual conversation between us, merciless
beating of me, brutal verbal humiliation with you drilling into me what a
worthless wimpy loser i was and forcing me to say equally humiliating things
for your amusement and my psychological torture.
All this time, throughout this ordeal, despite the pain, humiliation and hard
work, i still was getting more and more aroused and slowly every little tiny
bit of your approval seemed to give me a twisted rush of pleasure and bizarre
sense of accomplishment, this admission to myself seemed to be more frightening
than anything else as i was beginning to realize that perhaps you were right
and all i am really is just a lowly footslave whose purpose is only to serve
and amuse you and that despite my many talents and abilities my true proper
place in life is under your feet