
Friday, April 21, 2017

Financial Domination Contract

Financial slavery contract!

I [Insert your name ] the undersigned person, recognize and accept the financial slavery to Queen Diva Morgan in a relationship of Financial Servitude. 

By this instrument Queen will dominate the before said slaves personal finances.

The slave’s tenure will continue for a period of 6 months, beginning on the day of 2016 with an interim payment of $50.00 on that date

Then continue with monthly payments of $50.00 on  2016 and monthly thereafter ending on  2017

1 )I understand that my true purpose in life is to serve Queen Diva Morgan as her Financial slave as of 2016 until 2017

2 ) I am to make regular financial monthly payments of $50.00 to Queen Diva Morgan with any extras she so demands.

3 ) I agree to be devoured financially to please my Queen. The financial amount of the devouring will be at her leisure and demand.

4 ) The slave will answer any questions put to him honestly and directly, and will give any information his Queen should know about his financial position. 

While his Queen expects her slave to speak honestly and forthrightly about anything that bothers him, he is not to interpret that as permission to whine or complain. He will phrase his concerns politely and respectfully, and then gracefully accept his Queen’s judgment in these matters without further complaint.

5 ) I will now, in the space provided enter the detailed information to be used for the purpose of financial slavery and humiliation should I attempt to renege of any part of this financial slavery contract.

Home phone number.
Home address.
Wife's/Girlfriend/Mother: phone number.
Business address.
Business phone number.
Bank details.

6a ) I will greet her daily via e mail, text or call, even if it is only to say hello. I will ask permission before I make a call and should Queen request me to make a call to her i will do everything within my power to do so or accept a financial penalty.

6b ) I am aware that this is a 6 month financial contract and that if I ever for any reason desire to beg out of this contract, I will to have to pay her a “buy out” of $2,000 to be released.

7 ) I beg humbly for Queen Diva Morgan to accept me and to take me as her financial slave from the above date on wards for a minimum contracted term of 6 months.

I, ——-, fully understand and agree to all the above named terms and am of sound mind and I have not been forced into this contract, but have begged her for it.

Signed ….. Queen Diva Morgan

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